Focusing on providing software consulting and development services to our clients, as well as on enabling our internal pipeline projects with IT solutions, Kolyada Group has been actively growing its Software and Outsourcing Business Solutions capability. We specialize in custom development of software for enterprises and consumers, outsourced development of software that helps businesses achieve maximum potential through information technologies.
Kolyada Group has been partnering with SoftElegance, a leading provider of innovative custom software development services. By combining competencies in key technical, business process, and commercial areas, we are expanding our global reach for the projects in design, development and implementation of product-, process-, framework-related software and services.
Our industry focus:
Industry-specific applications and frameworks for the companies in general manufacturing and engineering, retail trade, natural resources, information and data management services.
Underlying business processes:
Revenue and cost analytics for business decision making, automation of internal support function processes (HR, Supply Chain, Finance, Procurement, etc.), workflow management, customer-facing data management tools.
Selected technologies:
• .NET Framework (up to 4.6);
• MS SQL Server (up to 2016);
• Various JavaScript frameworks (e.g. AngularJS).